A lightbulb moment
What a lightbulb moment I had 11 years ago, when I had my first lesson with Desiree. Suddenly, everything just made sense.
Desiree’s approach is relaxed, creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere. One of the most standout aspects she has taught me over the years is to be more body aware, as every little change and movement in our body has an effect on the horse. To help you achieve this, Desiree paints the most beautiful pictures, which you can refer back to, weeks after the lessons.
Not only did Desiree make me more body aware, but she also taught me how to read my horse’s body language and how to react to and learn from it.
I have been riding a young and very sensitive horse for the last three years and Desiree has been there, helping us along the way. It has been a great journey so far and she has been there celebrating our successes. I can only recommend to anybody that cares about their horses to attend her workshops. Everything just makes sense.
Photo: My sensitive horse (Brandbach Heritage) and I