About Alexander Technique
What do Ronald Dahl, Aldous Huxley, Paul Newman and Sting all have in common?
Not a lot may be a good answer, but they have all had lessons in the Alexander technique and have all spoken of the benefits they have received from the technique.
This technique is subtly integrated into the Weightless Riding programme to enhance the riding experience.
But what is the Alexander technique?
The Alexander technique is often described as a breathing technique that involves the posture, but this is only a small part of it. It is much more about becoming aware of the way we use ourselves in every day activities. Without noticing, we all put an enormous amount of strain on our bodies and the Alexander technique helps us to become aware of that. Becoming aware is the first step in possibly changing our abuse of our bodies.
By sitting or standing in an unbalanced way, we put our muscles under constant stress, this becomes a habit and eventually turns into bad posture, high blood pressure, migraine, asthma, arthritis, depression, poor coordination, to name but a few. Our traditional way of dealing with this problem is to get a prescription from our doctors which involves taking some kind of chemical medication. We seldom question the why we have these problems in the first place.
The Alexander technique helps us to move in a better way, thus not retaining unnecessary tension in our bodies. This technique has far-reaching consequences, not only where the physical aspects of our lives are concerned, but also on a mental and emotional level. Once a pupil has advanced even slightly within the Alexander technique, he or she will often report that friends and family have noticed an improvement in their temperament, purely because they feel more at ease with themselves. The Alexander technique is not a therapy or a counseling session, although it can make you feel much, much better.